your ePost

Receipt of documents in eBox

In your eBox you will receive bills and other documents by issuers whom you have chosen from our partner database. For you this service is free of charge.
Every day we agree cooperation with new document issuers and you can also propose document issuers whose documents you would like to receive in your eBox.
Please send your proposal to:

Payment of ALL bills with cards for only 2 HRK per bill

With Visa, Master Card, Diners and Maestro Cirrus of all banks you can pay all bills received from legal persons in your eBox. A payment transaction fee of 2 HRK is charged per each bill, regardless of the payment amount. For bills received to home address you can fill in the order and pay them with payment cards at fixed fee of 2 HRK regardless of the bill amount.

Managing other user's eBox

Share documents with other eBox user by allowing him/her to review a document - for any document received in your eBox you can grant the right to review a document to another service user.
You can do so on the portal for any single document and all changes per account (status and payment) can be seen right away in your eBox.

Allow management of your documents by granting authorisation – if for any reason you need to authorise another person to fully manage your eBox, you can do so. The authorised person will manage your eBox from his/her own eBox by simple change of account user. All changes in eBox are visible to both, the authoriser and the authorised person.

Sending from one's own eBox

 Korisnici ePošte mogu međusobno razmjenjivati poruke ili pisma.

Poruke se mogu slati u obliku elektroničke poruke drugom korisniku servisa ili na vanjsku adresu elektroničke pošte pri čemu poruka dobiva vremenski žig i digitalni potpis Hrvatske pošte.
Elektronička pisma mogu se slati drugom korisniku servisa kao obično ili preporučeno pismo, ali i na ispis, kuvertiranje i dostavu na bilo koju adresu u svijetu kao obično, prioritetno, preporučeno ili prigodno pismo. Prigodno pismo je pismo poslano na ispis i kuvertiranje, koje se otiskuje na prigodnim obrascima i pakira u prigodne omotnice (rođendanska čestitka, čestitka za Valentinovo, pismo poslano u ime Djeda Mraza i sl.). Usluga slanja pisama naplaćuje se prema valjanom cjeniku.ePost service users can exchange messages and letters.

Messages can be sent in e-mail form to other service user or to an outside e-mail address. E-letters can be sent to other service user, but also for printing, enveloping or delivery to any address in the world. Sending of letters is charged according to valid pricelist.

Managing your eBox

Design your e-Box, create groups for data storage according to your preferences, set alarms for bill payments and transform your eBox into your personal assistant. Store your documents for the first year free of charge and in case you want a safe document archives accessible from any computer in the world also for storage of documents for longer period we shall charge the archiving service according to the valid price list.

Receiving promotional material

You will receive in your eBox promotional material and useful information from our partners, but only those previously checked by us and relating to your geographic area of interest. In case you do not want to continue receiving promotional material from an announcer you can cancel it.