your ePost
Receive and send letters, messages
and documents in electronic form,
pay bills with credit cards.
Organise your mail at any time, wherever
you might be and save time and money.
Receive and send letters, messages
and documents in electronic form,
pay bills with credit cards.
Organise your mail at any time, wherever
you might be and save time and money.
The ePost service can be used by business users and natural persons. A business user is a legal or natural person who performs a registered activity in the Republic of Croatia, and who has signed a cooperation and conclusion into the ePost system agreement with the Croatian Post. A private user is an adult, natural person with a legal capacity who, according to special regulations, is considered a consumer, regardless of their citizenship, and who has entered into an ePost service use agreement with the Croatian Post.
By using ePost, you will have access to the following services:
1. receiving documents through online letter forms, messages and promotional messages
2. sending messages, among others, via online letter forms
3. sending and receiving eRecommendations
4. printing and enveloping the content of an electronic letter, as well as delivering that content in the form of a letter or a registered item weighing up to 50 g to one or more recipients
5. archiving, i.e. storing documentation in an eBox, and archiving, i.e. storing documentation of eRecommendations users in an eBox Plus
6. sending telegrams via an ePost mobile app
7. retrieving documentation to a user who does not pay for the archive
8. private users – paying invoices and orders with credit and debit cards and access to the e-Citizens system
9. business users – sending eInvoices, business eInvoices and business web eInvoices, eRecommendations, and promotional messages according to different categories (sport, technology, economy...)
10. by choosing the service of printing and enveloping the content of an electronic letter, the user can also use basic additional services: the additional services "PLUS" and "RETURN RECEIPT" for registered items in national traffic and international traffic.
The ePost service cannot be used to send money. To learn more about sending money via the Croatian Post, read here.
Business eInvoices are invoices sent by the issuer (a business user who, in addition to the services available to all users of the ePost service, can send Documents and Business eInvoices, as well as Business web eInvoices) to a business user or recipient in electronic form that enables automatic and electronic processing, and which is sent via ePost. The service is intended for business users and recipients (legal or natural persons who perform a registered activity in the Republic of Croatia, who have registered with ePost via the Internet only for the purpose of receiving invoices and supporting documents in electronic form, as well as Business eInvoices and Business web eInvoices).
At the moment, using the ePost service for receiving all types of documents and messages is free.
The document archiving service for private users is free, while the service for business users is charged monthly for all documents sent and received in an eBox more than 12 months ago.
You can pay with Visa, MasterCard and Maestro cards, regardless of the issuer.
The fee for paying invoices via ePost is 0,27 EUR (2,03 HRK) per invoice, regardless of the amount of money charged with the invoice and the type of card used for payment.
You can download or print the confirmation by clicking on the "Payment confirmation".
The post you receive via the ePost service will no longer be delivered in physical form to your private mailbox. ePost allows you to print any document or save it to your computer.
This app enables you:
1 to receive invoices and other documents from document issuers who signed an agreement with the Croatian Post
2 to pay invoices with debit and credit cards, regardless of whether they were delivered via the ePost service or physically
3 to pay invoices by taking a picture of a barcode or a money order
4 to write a letter and send it to any home address in Croatia or in the world or, in electronic form, to another ePost user.
1. Download the app from the App Store, Google Play, or App Gallery or scan the QR code.
2. Enter your ePost username and password and the app will be activated.
Use the app to pay invoices and send letters and messages.
1. Take a picture of an order with your phone.
2. Add the saved order to you cart.
3. Open the cart and choose the "Pay" option.
4. Choose the card with which you will pay.
5. Enter the 3D secure code (if needed, depending on the card).
Invoices you received at your home address can be paid if you manually enter data into the order entry form by copying an existing order or by creating an order from a predefined template. The ePost mobile app also allows you to use the "Take a picture of the order" option for an even simpler data entry, based either on the scanning of a 2D barcode or a money order.
How to register to receive invoices via the ePost service and with which companies does ePost cooperate on the basis of an agreement?
Select the "Financial services" option in the menu and, among the issuers, look for the one whose invoices you want to receive by e-mail. Enter the key data from the physical invoice you received in the boxes reserved for this purpose and click "Register service". Once you complete the registration, you will receive a message about whether your request was accepted or rejected either via the ePost service or directly to your e-mail. Another option is to mark "I want to receive invoices from all contracted issuers" on the ePost service request or later in the settings among the user data. In this case, you will automatically receive documents from all issuers who send invoices via the ePost service. The list of issuers can be found on the home page, where you can choose a county.
In that case, visit the user login page servis.eposta.hr and do the following:
1. Enter your username in the following form: name.surname.
2. Click the "Forgot your password?" link.
3. A message with a link to the site on which you need to set a new password will be sent to the e-mail address you provided when logging into the system.
If you did not succeed and you receive a message such as: "The username you entered is incorrect" or "The e-mail address is incorrect," call Customer Service on +385 72 500 501 for help.
This is a service that, through a digital delivery channel, enables the secure exchange of documents while providing proof of document sending and receipt.
Every legal or natural person who uses the ePost service, provided that he additionally contracts the eRegistered (qualified service).
This is not possible. First, you have to become a user of the ePost service.
For natural and legal persons, this can be done by filling in the online form to register for the ePost and by digital signing of an additional request for a qualified signature certificate, at the post office by filling in and signing the request for the ePost service and the additional request for eRegistered item or vie e-mail to prodaja@posta.hr. This method of contracting only applies to legal persons.
Protective measures to reduce the risk of loss, theft, destruction or unauthorized change of data are ensured. According to the eIDAS regulation, identification of the sender and recipient is ensured before the data are provided.
Every item is marked with a qualified time stamp and a qualified seal which ensures the non-repudiation, integrity and authenticity of the item.